Orion, electronic bayan (russian accordion) is intended for solo and ensemble's playing of musical compositions, for accompaniment and educational purposes. It consists of the following sections: 5-row bayan; electronic block with built-in power amplifier. Acoustic system consists of 2 loudspeakers, microphone and its stand.
Sounding's range - 7 octaves (from G contra octave to F fifth octave)
Channels of timbre's formation:
- in sound section of melody - strings instruments (violin, cello), wind-instruments (16',8'), piano (piano 1/2, clavesin), organ (organ 1/2/3), bayan.
- in sound section of accompaniment basses (bass-guitar, contrabass, bayan), chorus (rhythm guitar, piano, bayan), arpeggio (piano), percussion instruments (a bass drum, bass-tom, tom, small tom, cymbal)
Effects: regulation sustain level of sound, regulation of sound release duration, timbre changing of sounds, flanger, autoplay of rhythmes by percussions instruments, basses, chorus and arpedggio, frequency vibrato.
- Number of programmed rhythmic presets - 16 (march, tango, latin, afro, blues, disco, rock, 1-4, slow-rock, swing, waltz)
- Working conditions of sounds sections of accompaniment - playing (basses, chords, large tom-tom), semiautomatic (basses, chorus, autoplay of rhythms rhythms by percussions), automatic (autoplayback of rhythms by percussions, basses, chorus, arpeggio).
- The cousing frequency range - 0,5 tone
- Relative frequency instability of the tone generator during 4 hours of continuous work - max 3%.
- Inaccuracy of tone tuning of sounding range - max 0,2%
- Signal/(Noise+Background) in a rest - min 55dB
- The outlet voltage of the instrument - 20V
- Power comsumption - 100W
- Rated range of amplifier frequencies in linear outlel - 20 - 20000 Hz
- Non-linear distortion factor in outlet with the range 40-16000 Hz - max - 0,8%
the dynamic range of the signal level control:
- using manual control - 35db
- using pedal - 40db
Rated range of the repeated frequencies of the loudspeaker in a sound pressure - 70 - 15000 Hz
Power consumption - 250 W
- bayan - 480õ420õ260 mm
- electric block - 700õ500õ270 mm
- stand for the microphone - 1130õ140õ140 mm
- loudspeaker - 875õ535õ405 mm
Weight - max, 150 kg
The instrument is operated on the mains of the alternating current. Mains voltage - 220 V, but it fluctuates within +/- 22 V (frequency - 50 Hz)