Latest news
| 10.19.2024
Placed the photos, description and sounds of synthesizer Stalker TTL, the fhotos of Meta DCS-1000 processor, electrobayans Arton DK-25, Klavin, Kosmos, Poltava, REB, Topaz, Estradin-8A, Vorskla, also of toy synths Kolokolchik, Notki and Murlyka. Uploaded the manual and schematics of Vestnik ZVP-081, schematics for Estradin-9, manuals Unost'-33/75, Rubikon, Pooh CL1010, Notki.
| 01.31.2023
Placed the photos and description of reverberator MEZ-45, the photos of Lell-26 and toysynths Krynichka and Laura, added the sounds of RMIF TI-5 and the schematics of Venec.
| 02.02.2022
Placed the photos and descriptions of keyboards Lell-001, Unost'-102 and String, the photos of FX processors DPR-12 and Echo, added the photo of Solaris, uploaded the manual/schematics of Formanta UDS, manuals Electronica IM-46 and Unost'-73.
| 08.14.2021
Placed the photos of FX processors Lell DMF-256, Krok DDP-8, midi-convertor Asia MC-8 and toy synth Major, added extra schematics of Faemi and uploaded the manual/schematics of EM-04/17 and Malysh.
| 11.17.2020
Uploaded the photos and description of drum synthesizer FLY, photos of FX-processors Integral RD-01, Quantum QDD-2, LOMO, toy synth Selmo, added a photos of organ Kamerton.
| 10.10.2019
Placed the pix and description of drums Triton and CR-166, photos of FX processor Formanta P6000 and toy synth Azbuka, added a pix of Anuta, Gamma, Organola and Univox, uploaded the manual and schematics Elsita and manual for Rubikon.
| 03.11.2019
Placed the photos of electronic drums - Cord DQ-7, DIY Drums, Drum Syn, RV-89, description and pix of Polygon MDC-3, added the photos of Integral-VS, Echo-2 & 2M, Estradin-230, electroorgan Volna, also toy synths Buratino and Venta ELE-10, uploaded the schematics for EM-14.
| 08.16.2018
Uploaded the photos of Prestige RME-1 and added of GME2, Pooh CL-1010 and DL-5050, placed the pix and description of drums DS-5, added the photo of Amfiton M-028 and owner's manual pdf for Lell PSR.
| 07.20.2017
Added the photos of Ekvodin B-9, Romantica, Opus-3 (RMIF TI-3) and Unost', placed the schematics of Emibas and added of Maestro in .pdf format, uploaded the pix of FX's BMX-20D, Delay and SDD-1000, also toy synth Electronica.
| 11.14.2016
Added the photos of Meridian and Uran, also toy synth Anuta.

If you encounter any inaccuracies in the text,
so please, let us know it.

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